77 votes Vote

Add a comment directly on a selected word on a pad

as the google doc comment feature & be able to see all pad comments on a specific page (as the history page) [+1 marcelklehr]

johnyma22, 23.03.2013, 22:41
Response from the site administrator
johnyma22, 24.11.2013
This plugin is available as ep_comments
Idea status: completed


johnyma22, 28.03.2013, 01:56
my thoughts are available here
theoryshaw, 28.03.2013, 02:46
Hope you don't mind, used your etherpad instance to add a couple comments/questions.
johnyma22, 04.04.2013, 03:19
Comments updated and bounty created:

You can help finance the development of this here: https://www.bountysource.com/#issues/130871-comments-plugin-for-etherpad
Joe Corneli, 07.04.2013, 10:38
I don't think the solution should be 100% tied to the Etherpad editor. It would be better to integrate an external tool that does comments. For example see this issue I just added to the OKFN's Annotator issue tracker: https://github.com/okfn/annotator/issues/197

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